• Working Hours: Mon - Fri, 10am - 5pm
Paytegrate Application
Payment Gateway / Marketplace
Project Timeline
+Ve Market Need Survery

Project Brief

Paytegrate approached Sketchfinix with the vision of creating a revolutionary digital payment platform tailored to the unique challenges of the African market. The objective was to develop a secure, efficient, and inclusive solution that would streamline financial transactions, support e-commerce, and bridge the gap for global companies entering the Nigerian market.

Challenging Part

The primary challenge was to design a platform that could effectively address the pervasive mistrust in online transactions, integrate with outdated payment infrastructures, and provide tools for digital commerce optimization. Additionally, ensuring financial inclusion for SMEs and unbanked populations while making the platform attractive to international companies posed significant difficulties.


Sketchfinix tackled these challenges by implementing a robust, multi-faceted approach:

Blockchain-Powered Security: We integrated blockchain technology to provide unparalleled security, ensuring the integrity and transparency of transactions.

Efficient Payment Processing: The platform was designed with streamlined payment processes and competitive fees, making it easier and more cost-effective for businesses to operate.

AI-Driven Commerce Tools: We developed AI tools to optimize online stores, enhance sales funnels, and provide in-depth customer data analysis.

Inclusive Financial Services: By offering simple and affordable financial services, Paytegrate empowered SMEs and unbanked individuals, promoting greater financial inclusion.

Localized Solutions for Global Reach: We created localized solutions that facilitated seamless cross-border payments, enabling global companies to easily enter and operate in the Nigerian market.


Paytegrate incorporates several innovative features to transform digital payments:

  1. 1. Blockchain Security: Ensures secure, transparent, and tamper-proof transactions, building user trust.
  2. 2. AI Optimization: Enhances digital commerce through improved online store experiences, higher conversion rates, and detailed customer insights.
  3. 3. Seamless Integration: Simplifies payment processes for businesses and consumers, encouraging broader adoption.
  4. 4. Financial Inclusion: Provides accessible financial services, reducing barriers for SMEs and unbanked populations.
  5. 5. Global Connectivity: Offers seamless cross-border payment options, connecting Nigerian businesses to global markets.


  • Increased Trust: Enhanced security features have built trust among users, leading to higher adoption rates of digital payments.
  • Improved Efficiency: Streamlined payment processes and competitive fees have improved business operations and competitiveness.
  • Enhanced Digital Commerce: AI-driven tools have boosted online sales and provided valuable customer insights, driving digital success.
  • Greater Financial Inclusion: Accessible financial services have empowered SMEs and unbanked populations, fostering a more inclusive economy.
  • Expanded Global Reach: Localized solutions have facilitated seamless entry for international companies, promoting trade and investment.

"Working with Sketchfinix to develop Paytegrate has been an exceptional experience. Their deep understanding of the unique challenges in the African digital payment landscape and their innovative approach have resulted in a groundbreaking platform. The integration of blockchain for security, AI-driven commerce tools, and seamless payment processing has truly revolutionized how we operate. We've seen significant improvements in user trust, business efficiency, and financial inclusion. The feedback from our users has been overwhelmingly positive, and we are excited about the future possibilities. Thank you, Sketchfinix, for your dedication and expertise in bringing our vision to life."

Emmanuel N.
, Co-Founder at Paytegrate


Sketchfinix’s collaboration with Paytegrate has successfully transformed the digital payment landscape in Africa. By addressing key challenges and incorporating innovative solutions, we have developed a platform that enhances security, efficiency, and inclusivity. Paytegrate stands as a testament to our commitment to leveraging technology to solve real-world problems and drive economic growth in the African market.

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